
With the passing of the Federal Highway Act of 1962, Congress made urban transportation planning a condition for receipt of federal funds for highway projects in urban areas with a population of 50,000 or more. This legislation encouraged a continuing, comprehensive transportation planning process carried on cooperatively by the states and local communities. 

Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) were designated by the governor in each state to carry out this legislative requirement. In Webb County, the Laredo Urban Transportation Study was created to serve the Laredo Urbanized Area. Renamed the Laredo & Webb County Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (LWCAMPO) in 2020, this organization continues to provide for a continuing, comprehensive transportation planning process for the region with the support and cooperation of our federal partners (i.e. FHWA and FTA), regional stakeholders, and TxDOT.

MPO 101

LWCAMPO’s mission statement is: “to set transportation related policy, identify existing and future local transportation needs in cooperation with TxDOT, and propose and recommend projects for all modes of transportation including mass transit and active transportation, with special attention to freight.” The following documents provide additional material on the background and purpose of LWCAMPO (click to view full document):

Connect & Learn

This video learning series is designed to exchange information on planning tools, share common experiences and noteworthy practices across the planning discipline, and establish a common knowledge base for all planners.

This video explains the typical transportation planning process (based on the US DOT Transportation Planning Process Briefing Book), & provides an introduction to the transportation planning process conducted by public agencies. Click on the icon below to view video on a new tab (via YouTube) or click on video frame to view now.

This video explains the process to ensure that federal funding is being used to plan a safe and efficient transportation system according to laws and regulations and help State DOTs and sub-recipients manage the funding efficiently and effectively and in compliance with federal requirements. Click on the icon below to view video on a new tab (via YouTube) or click on video frame to view now.

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