The TIP is a federally required short-range program of transportation projects based on the long-range MTP and covers a period of 4 years. The TIP serves as a short-term programming document that lists approximately four (4) years of funded, i.e. committed from local, state, and federal sources, transportation projects. These projects are designed to construct, complete, implement, operate and maintain regional and statewide transportation systems in accordance with the recommendations of the long-range statewide transportation plan and LWCAMPO’s MTP The current TIP covers FY 2025 to FY 2028 projects that will let over the next four (4) years. Visit the MPO Plans Overview Web Page for more information on LWCAMPO’s main planning documents.
Key Term: Fiscal Constraint
A demonstration of sufficient funds, from Federal, State, local, and private sources, which will be used to implement proposed transportation system improvements, as well as to operate and maintain the entire system.
- 2023-2026
- Updated Self Certification - Administrative Modification (08/17/2022)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - Administrative Modification (10/19/2022)
- Revision 1 (10/19/2022)
- Revision 2 (01/18/2023)
- Safety Performance Targets Update (01/18/2023)
- Targets for Pavement and Bridge Performance Measures (PM2) Update (06/21/2023)
- Targets for System Performance Measures (PM3) Update (06/21/2023)
- Revision 3 (07/19/2023)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - Administrative Modification (07/20/2023)
- FY 2022 Annual Listing of Obligated Projects (APL) Update (08/17/2023)
- Revision 4 (01/17-2024)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - Administrative Modification (01/17/2024)
- Safety Performance Targets Update (Resolution MPO 2024-03 — 02/21/2024)
- Appendix B - FY 23-26 TIP Performance Measures Analysis - (PM1) Update (02/21/2024)